Mission: Spoken Truth

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God bless my kids, but being a military child and a global nomad comes with a price!   As we are planning for  our move to the US next month (first time in the kids’ lives that they have lived in the US), my youngest asked me:

“Do we need shots to go to Mississippi?” and “What language do they speak in Mississippi?”   Though not funny, I had to laugh, as I think, being a Southerner myself, that people in the South speak their own language.   I told her “English”, but she would have to learn Southern slang and sayings “Bless your Heart”, “making groceries” , “slap ya mama” and so much more.  We in the Deep South pride ourselves on our sayings and down home manners.   Though an American by birth, she will have a lot of learning to do!

She also asked me “I never heard of the country ‘Mississippi’!”   I tell you, my children have traveled the world, seen man made and natural wonders, met and shook hands with Heads of State, but know very little about the 50 States and their capitols not to mention their geographical location in North America.That is ok, what they have learned, seen and touched over these past 15 years no one can take away from them.  So they do not know the capitol of Louisiana is Baton Rouge or Kentucky is the Bluegrass state, over time, they will get it…and if not, no worries, it will not make them less of an American or a future leader….

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